Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Cat Spaying [simplified]

Female cats should be spayed when they are 6 months old. The procedure is quick and very safe. There are enough unwanted kittens in the world already!
if you have any request, suggestion or anything else please contact us at [ivet.org@gmail.com]
What is a cat spay?
  • A cat spay is carried out under a general anaesthetic and your vet will remove both the ovaries and the uterus.
  • The procedure is quick, generally taking about 30 minutes and is very safe.  If you have any concerns about it at all, you should discuss them with your vet.

Why should I have my cat spayed?         
  • Spaying your cat is essential, and there are several very good reasons for this
    • She will wander less - entire cats are inclined to wander more than neutered ones, this puts them at risk of accidents, particularly road traffic accidents, which are often fatal.
    • Less risk of disease - Feline Aids (FIV) and Feline Leukaemia are both infectious and incurable diseases, and are more common in the feral cat population.  An entire female will attract entire males, who are often feral or semi-feral and can carry these disease. 
    • Fewer health risks - entire female cats are at risk of developing pyometra, a very serious problem requiring emergency surgery where the uterus fills with pus, and are also more likely to suffer from mammary cancer.
    • She will not call - an in season cat can be very tiresome, they will 'call' which is a yowling call that they can keep up for hours, roll on the floor and display themselves, vets often get phoned by panicking owners who think their young, female cat is in terrible pain, but who is really just in season!  More of a problem is all the entire male cats she will attract.
    • No kittens - having a litter of kittens can seem like a good idea, but they take a lot of looking after, can be expensive, and then you have to find homes for them, which can be difficult as there are a lot of unwanted kittens already.  
When should I have my cat spayed? 
  • In general cats are spayed at about 6 months old, they do not have to have a season first, nor do you have to wait for a particular time in the cycle, like in dogs.
  • It is best to spay them before the first season, which generally occurs around 8 months, but can be earlier, so there is no chance for them to become pregnant.
  • Often charities or rescue centres will spay cats very young, from the ages of 3-4 months old, to ensure they are done before they are rehomed.
How is my cat spayed?   
  • Cats are spayed under a general anaesthetic, which is a safe and routine procedure in young cats, if you have any concerns, you should talk to your vet.
  • Most vets in the UK will spay the cat through their flank, the incision is made though the cats left abdominal side.  Cats are always spayed on the left, so if there is any confusion as to whether they have been done or not ( for example in a stray or rescue cat), vets know where to look for the scar.
  • Sometimes cats will be spayed via the 'midline', which is in the middle of their tummy on the underneath, like dogs.  This approach is often used if the cat is pregnant, and is more common in Europe and the USA.
  • Spaying involves the removal of both the uterus and the ovaries.
  • The wound is sutured in several layers, the muscle, subcutaneous fat and the skin.  Some vets will place dissolvable sutures, others will place ones which have to be removed about 10 days post operatively.
What is the "Post operative care"?
  • Cats generally do very well after they have been spayed and are often back to normal within 24 hours
  • It is important to keep them as rested as possible for at least a few days, or until the sutures are removed, if they need to come out.
  • Your cat must not lick or chew at the wound, as they can introduce infection, cause the wound to swell or even remove the stitches.  If you think this might happen, your vet should be able to provide you with a 'buster collar', a lampshade collar which will prevent them from reaching the wound.